Slightly Chubby.

I survived my second session with Darrell, but it wasn’t pretty. Before we started he thought it would be a good idea to get my measurements, weight and body fat percentage… you know, just to get my confidence up before a soul crushing workout. Brilliant, Darrell…

There’s just no nice way to put it, all of my numbers are bad, and put me in the “fatty” category. I’m sure they are better than they were when I started all of this in August, but I have nothing to compare to – except my weight – which wasn’t great either because he made me keep my shoes on and it was nighttime. HOW RUDE!?!?! The good news is that all of this will help motivate me to work harder. Woo! 

The workout itself went better than expected considering how sore I still was from Monday’s session. We did ball squats, planks, situps, bicep curls, arm stuff with a kettleball, a bunch of machines – oh and he makes me do 40 jumping jacks in between everything I do to keep my heart rate up. I’m telling you, it’s so goddamn fun, it feels more like a party than a workout…

The one thing we did that I absolutely cannot stand (or do for that matter) are squat thrusts. WHO INVENTED THOSE???? There is nothing worse than squat thrusts. My body is just offended by them. They are hell. And I just know I look horrific doing them. For those of you that don’t know what a squat thrust is, see the below picture. That’s actually me in the picture if you can’t tell:

I really just feel badly for the other people working out at the gym who are forced to watch me suffer like a beached whale while Darrell shouts, “20 more!” Oh well, I’ll be running laps around them and pumping iron like a champ in NO TIME. And even if I do look like hell when I work out with Darrell, at least I’m doing it. Right? Go me, eff them.

In totally unrelated other news, I just noticed something today that made me laugh out loud. I’m not sure if you will find it as funny as me, but here goes nothing. On my dashboard for this blog, there’s the option to see your “site stats” which shows you things like, how many people have viewed your blog today, what posts are the most popular, etc. etc.

One of the random things on this page that I don’t really pay attention to is the option to see what people typed into search engines to find my blog. So I’ve seen that people type in things like the name of my blog, titles of some of my posts, my name, etc. Logical things to search on, in my opinion. However, the other day I looked at it and there was one “search term” that really tickled me. See for yourself:

Slightly chubby girl. Amazing. I just LOVE the idea that someone was sitting there thinking “chubby girl, hmm… no, I think slightly chubby girl will give me a better chance of finding her blog.” Also, whoever that was, THANKS for only thinking I’m only slightly chubby.

About skinnyjulie

I grew up as a chubby kid in the suburbs of New York, and went to college in Maine where I went from thin with curves, to a full-on fatty (yay college!). I now live in New York City with my boyfriend Shane, who is amazing, but is partially to blame for me being a fatty because he tells me i'm perfect and beautiful just the way I am. What an asshole, right? Things I like: Pasta, bagels, pizza, mayonnaise (well any condiment is good by me), eating in general, laughter. I have a feeling I will be leaving several of these things behind in my journey (hopefully not including laughter, but diets are hard man). Things I don't like: Running, jogging, yoga, not eating too much, those active couples in central park who run past me holding hands. Hopefully I'll embrace several of these things on my journey? Here's do optimism! Ultimate Goal: STOP BEING A FATTY
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3 Responses to Slightly Chubby.

  1. alonesumdove says:

    OMG…Your writing absolutely cracks me up! Of course I can’t laugh too loud cause I’m hiding in the back corner of my office reading your blog. You totally remind me of the author Jen Lancaster and her book “Such a Pretty Fat.” Anywho…I think its great and quite ballsy of you to even step up and get a trainer. Let along someone whose so hardcore like Darrell. And I don’t know how you couldn’t make him laugh…he’s probably just pretending to be a hardass. Good luck with your next session!

    • skinnyjulie says:

      Hey thanks for the comment! I too have to muffle my laughs while I sit in my office cubicle snickering at blogs. I’ll have to pick up that book by Jen Lancaster, I haven’t read it. What a compliment though, thanks!

  2. You are HILARIOUS and I’m so glad I found you. You’re just what I needed to read after my nightly workout.

    P.S. 30lbs down? Congratulations! You look gorgeous. 🙂

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