30 pounds baby!!!

I’ve finally hit the 30 pound mark!!!!! WOOP WOOP!

Aside from the Academy… I’d like to thank Weight Watchers, for helping me lose those last 5 pounds… Darrell, for kicking my ass and reminding me that muscle weighs more than fat… And everyone who has supported me in this quest so far. Now I just need to keep going and lose 30 more. No big deal!

And guess what weighs 30lbs??

A small child/toddler:










A medium sized dog:










4 Gallons of water:

The thought of lugging any of those things around sounds like HELL. Not quite sure how I did it… Now for some before and after shots!!


My face looks like it may explode...


Double chin anyone?


MUCH less puffy


Slender even? Maybe?


feelin good!

About skinnyjulie

I grew up as a chubby kid in the suburbs of New York, and went to college in Maine where I went from thin with curves, to a full-on fatty (yay college!). I now live in New York City with my boyfriend Shane, who is amazing, but is partially to blame for me being a fatty because he tells me i'm perfect and beautiful just the way I am. What an asshole, right? Things I like: Pasta, bagels, pizza, mayonnaise (well any condiment is good by me), eating in general, laughter. I have a feeling I will be leaving several of these things behind in my journey (hopefully not including laughter, but diets are hard man). Things I don't like: Running, jogging, yoga, not eating too much, those active couples in central park who run past me holding hands. Hopefully I'll embrace several of these things on my journey? Here's do optimism! Ultimate Goal: STOP BEING A FATTY
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12 Responses to 30 pounds baby!!!

  1. alonesumdove says:

    Congratulations on hitting the milestone…You look stunning… Keep up the good work! I guess you’re getting closer and closer to giving Darrell that special shirt as a thank you! 🙂

  2. Jen Jacquet-Murray says:

    Congratulations!! You look great! Have you changed clothing size too? 30 more pounds doesn’t sound so bad when you’re already halfway there!

  3. barbara says:

    congratulations! outstanding!!

  4. mickthornton says:

    Well done! Isn’t it funny how the face and chin change after you cross the 30 pound mark (along with the clothes)?

  5. Shrinking Me says:

    Congratulations! You look wonderful 🙂

  6. sam1967 says:

    You look TERRIFIC!

  7. You look fantastic. 😀

    Keep up the great work.

    The Grumpy Man

  8. skinnyjulie says:

    Thanks everyone for the support! xo

  9. SFM says:

    You look amazing! I love the way you compared your weight loss to different everyday items (you know – like a kid or a dog). That was so funny – but also true. I guess I need to lose a teenager then and not just a toddler! 😀

  10. Tara says:

    You’re so pretty girl! Congrats on your amazing progress. 🙂

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